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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our Trip in Review

Total distance driven: ~19,300 miles or 77% of the earth's circumference!
Flat tires: 1
Traffic tickets: 0 [whoo!]
Oil changes: 4
Gas burned while driving: ~712 gallons [27 mpg overall, not bad!]

Cheapest trip portion in $/day: US & Canada! [big thanks to friends & family for letting us crash on your couches and eat your food]
Most expensive trip portion in $/day: Peru [lots of organized tours]
Worst budget overrun: US/Canada, 9% over high estimate
Most accurate budget: Airfare, 0.3% under estimate
Overall budget: 4.9% over low estimate, 7.4% below high estimate [it worked! shocking!]

Favorite foreign country: New Zealand
Best hikes: Mt Zion (Olympic Peninsula, WA), Illecillewaet Glacier (Glacier NP, BC), Key Summit (Fiordland, NZ)
Hardest hikes: Illecillewaet (BC), Pasachoa (Ecuador)
Favorite bird: Pukeko (NZ)
Worst insect: Sandfly (NZ)
Best food: Cheddar beer soup with Stout at Full Sail (OR)
Worst food poisoning: Copacabana, Bolivia
Most over-hyped locations: Idaho "wilderness" and the Nazca lines
Most unexpectedly awesome locations: Mt. Hood (OR), Glacier NP (BC), Cherokee Territory (NC), Ecuador (all of it)

Things we'd do differently:
-Less driving, more hiking in the US
-Get off the Gringo Trail in Peru
-Don't eat in Copacabana
-Take an extra week of Spanish classes in Ecuador

Overall it was a good trip. We were really excited to plan it, it was fun while we were there, and we're really glad to be back. Definitely a very positive life experience for both of us. We feel extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to take such an extended "holiday".

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