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Thursday, September 8, 2011

8 Week Trip Summary

The end is nigh! Here are some quick stats for the first 8 weeks of the road trip. Only a month left before we head to Quito.

Miles driven: 9778.1
Nights spent with friends & family: 21 (thanks!)
States & Provinces visited: 22
Border Crossings: 6
Breweries Wineries Cideries & Meaderies Visited:  19
Conversations about life after the trip: 781 (give or take a few)
Conversations including "we can't afford that":  57
Pictures taken: 244
Times Hilary has refused to eat dehydrated beans, again: 15
Times Aaron cooked them anyway: 3


  1. 244 Pictures taken?!?!?!

    We can easily hit that in one day of traveling.
