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Monday, June 6, 2011

Insurance and wills, aka "in case you are hurt and/or die"

Hilary has been doing most of the legwork on these. Domestic health insurance for after employer benefits end, foreign health insurance (including evacuation coverage, how fun!), travel insurance, pet insurance (in case the cats are sick while we're gone), and of course the normal car insurance and renter insurance. Aaron took care of those last two, o yeah!

And the wills. We should be signing off on those on Wednesday. I'll leave it as a surprise who gets the cats. :)

It's kind of weird making plans for decision making, our stuff, etc for after we are incapacitated, lost forever in the Amazon, or certifiably dead. We rather hope it's all just an exercise in paper pushing, the trip will be much more enjoyable if we get to come back in one piece.

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